67 comments on Instrumental Mega Mix by kfish13

i was enjoying this playlist, but after 10 or so tracks, i was growing a little sleepy and losing concentration on my work. UNTIL!!! suddenly sherlock, and lord of the rings appeared! followed by some great tracks from breaking bad, pirates of the caribbean, inception and the hobbit! totally woke me back up again and got me going! thanks for the brill playlist! only a 1/4 of the way through it!

Yes, you're right. This gets you going, it's great as it's not sleepy at all keeps you upbeat, inspired and entertained! Well done that man! I like it!

LOVE this mix! (i love your other study mixes-and disney mixes-a lot too!) stumbled across it this semester and it is really helping me get through my law school finals. I only wish I had found it sooner! Thanks you!

As a student who has been through this grind a q few times now, but gets caught up in the crunch every time, thank you. These are supportive when I'm nose to the grindstone.

Absolutely brilliant. I usually get bored with playlists quickly but I've had this one on repeat all week -- Love it all!

i love this. headphones and some music and now i dont have to deal with my roommate watching his movies loud as balls right next to me!

It is currently 5:07 AM where I live, and this playlist has been on for the most part, since about 9:30 PM last night. I've been stuck in a lab in the school on my own since about 12:30 AM. So I would like to say thanks for putting these tracks together and helping me through my night.
