51 comments on Everything Instrumental (that I've Ever Loved) by kimtsan

i just want to say youre incredible and i love all your mixes but this one takes the cake. music from sinbad and cloud atlas? i'm in love. i can't wait to hear what other gems are on this playlist!

In these times of revision with loud people around you, this playlist is my perfect ally!
Thanks, all 7 hours are awesome!

Playlist is absolutely "loverly" - I would really love to know the artist/name of the coverart for this playlist - it speaks to me on so many levels and would love a print - could you let me know? Thanks!

Reverse Google Image Search brought me this artist's - Nanda Correa. Search her flickr, that seems to be her main page.

this playlist is incredible! i'm having difficulty finding the track labeled "black and white OST," is it called anything more specific? and is it from Tekkonkinkreet the japanese film?

It's from a Taiwanese television series with the same name: Black and White. I can send it to you if you like. :) Just e-mail me: kimtsan0417@gmail.com

If there is a single playlist that I listened without skipping, this will be the one. Thanks for this amazing playlist.

You listen to ALL the musics i listen to! I have all of these musics, but to organize everything into good playlists is hard and takes a lot of time. So for me listening to your musics is listening to my own favorites, but without having to make a playlist and sort all of those tons os musics from iTunes!

Thank you! Your playlists are REALLY very helpful! (:
