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Before the Fall


A soft, jazzy playlist for the years, months, days before Snoke falls at the hands of his three most loyal commanders, and Hux assumes the throne.

11 tracks
1 comment on Before the Fall

This mix paints such a beautiful and vivid picture of the fall of the First Order that I feel like I've just come out of a film or finished a really incredible fic. This is *amazing.* ("A Record Year for Rainfall" is an INCREDIBLE finishing number, too!)

@fish3d aaaa thank you so much!! this is the best comment i've ever gotten on a playlist. that's like, exactly the feeling i try to convey - a complete story from start to finish. i'm so so happy you enjoyed it. (and enjoyed the last song! i actually based this entire playlist around that one. it always makes me think of hux singing to kylo.)
