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Bhajans Bhagavan


When you are quiet, calm and sensitive then you can expand.
But when you are irrtated, phobic,
fearful, insensitive and neurotic
you can't achieve anything.

- Yogi Bhangan -

- loka samastha sukhino bhavanthu
Om Shanti, shanti, shanti -

One track including music by Ringo Star.

8 tracks
7 comments on Bhajans Bhagavan

Great playlist!!! Can you send the link to the 1st song - Mantras Indianos? The youtube link and the itunes links provided with this song don't work and I truly would love to get it. Thank you :)

When chanting ancient hindu mantras one must lose the accent, else its of no use. Correct pronounciation is important for each chant. Each syllable must be pronounced correctly and then together a mantra becomes effective. Else its just a song, like in this collection.

Estava escrevendo em inglês, mas vi que vc é de Maceio!
Sua lista está ótima, uso sempre para estudar ou praticar yoga.....

Mto obrigada, tem me ajudado imensamente a me concentrar
