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Slow & Simple


This 25 track mix is for anyone and everyone that wants to relax, study, sleep, lay in bed, snuggle, cuddle, spoon, bang, take a hot bubble bath, stare out the window while it rains, stare in a window while you're being rained on, eat a tub of Chunky Monkey as you look at Facebook pictures of your ex-boyfriend and cry, or maybe just drink a bottle or two of Merlot and pet your cat while it rests on a velvet pillow. Whatever works for you.

24 tracks
43 comments on Slow & Simple (View all)

You just have an amazing way of making playlists that I always come back to. No matter how much I love listening to new playlists, yours are ones that I can repeat over and over. Thanks for always putting together such wonderful music for us to discover and enjoy <3
