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brother, lover, destroyer.



a mix for the norse god Loki, who reigns over chaos, mischief and lies, complete with annotations.

this mix works as a timeline for mythology!Loki, and is based on the most important events of the mythos in which Loki appears.

(Sleipnir will be added in the future)

17 tracks
10 comments on brother, lover, destroyer. (View all)

I don't know if it was you who re-added the annotations but I see them :3 Also, wow. This mix is amazing, I don't even have words for it. I love Marvel's Loki but I think many people have that imagine in mind when they say they know Norse mythology or love Norse mythology. Sure, some elements are accurate in the comics and movies, but most are not... So, I love Marvel's Loki but I appreciate you making a mythological Loki playlist as I love that portrayal just as much too. If I were to choose one character from the Scandinavian religious culture, it would be Loki, since I think he's one of the most complex figures, and I can also relate to him in a personal way. All in all, this playlist has definitely become a favorite of mine! <3

This is incredible; thank you so much! Also, if you're still looking:, I would suggest "Swift Horse" by Kow Otani, from the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack.

@SummerNightSounds thank you!!! i have to say this mix is basically a permanent wip... i need to come back to it someday!!! i'll be listening to this song, thanks for bringing it up! :)

You might like to investigate Lorraine McKennet's "Night Ride Across The Caucasus" when you get to the sleiphner part of the cycle - it has a nice cantering-equine rhythm to it and is in the theme of the music I've heard so far on the list (I'm only a few songs in so far) You've selected well for an epic, mythos sort of feel. I look forward to hearing the rest of it.

@Fabricmagpie ! I will indeed check it out, Lorraine McKenneth's voice is magic! I have yet to return and truly work on this mix again, but it will eventually happen. Thank you!!

Just wanted to drop a note that I also find "I See Fire" to be very much a Loki song. I first heard it somewhere else on 8tracks and didn't initially realize the Hobbit connection (clearly I wasn't listening to every single lyric) and I immediately thought: "This is Loki!" And even after listening to it a whole bunch more, paying attention to the lyrics and how much it's about that story... it's STILL Loki to me. So ... just wanted to say that. I feel ya on that song. (And I like the rest of the mix too: it's just that is the only thing I felt moved to comment about) :)

@Corvicula1979 Hey, it's always great to hear back from listeners, especially with things like this! I See Fire really has some Loki vibes going on and I'm glad you felt it too!

This playlist is amazing! I love it! I was wondering, though, what the original order for the tracks is? Because it automatically shuffles now, and I'd like to know where the songs without annotations stand in the list.

@artistinagony oh god, sorry it took me this long to get back to you!!! must've forgotten to check my notifications :_ the original order would be: 1. Karliene - Last of the Giants 2. Kat Karnie - Born Clever 3. Gladiator OST - Now We Are Free 4. Avatar OST - You Don't Dream In Cryo 5. Bat For Lashes - Siren Song 6. Arcana- Autumnal 7. Mr. Nobody OST - Theme i think? 8. Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince OST - In Noctem 9. Libera - Sancte Solo Liam Connery 10. The Ballad of Ianto Jones 11. Angels & Demons OST - i60 BOM 12. In Time OST - Main Theme 13. ES Posthumus - Unstoppable 14 . Music from The Desolation of Smaug's trailer by Age of Dragons 15. Zack Hemsey - End of an Era 16. Ed Sheeran - I see fire

I was always using the mobile app so I never got to see the annotations, now I listened to it again and I was given first feels then chills...Amazing mix and it captures the theme all too well. Oh one small thing, the song just before "Ragnarok" has no annotation, I figured it was something about Loki breaking free and setting to destroy the worlds, maybe the site is malfunctioning with me and I am just not seeing it.

@MisanthropicScientist This is very flattering aaaa!!! Thank you for putting what you felt in words, 'tis the best when i get to hear what you guys think.

And yes, it does have an annotation that's basically your guess, so congrats! It says "Loki escapes the cave and joins the hordes of Helheim, Jotunheim and Musspeleim. Fenrir breaks free from his chains. It's the onset of Ragnarök." I've had this problem happen quite a few times with this mix, 8tracks eats some of the annotations or mixes them up real good... I swear to god, if i got a penny for every time i've had to re-order, replace, rewrite an annotation or hunt my own tracks, I'd be richer than Bill Gates!!!

@hi_kenzie_here Thank you for your kind words! I am glad you liked this mix and it ressounded with your religious persona! One of these days I'll come back and work a bit on it, there are quite a few things to be added :)
