58 comments on études and daydreams by lamusette

i honestly cannot stop listening to this enchanting mix. if i have writer's block, i seriously just turn this on and the words start flowing. or when i'm driving at night or in the rain, it makes everything around oh so lovely. this mix is everything, and the cover art is just lovely. <3 xxxx

@lamusette this is such a beautiful playlist, thank you for creating it. Also, @lauelibre , I really liked the image too! So I tracked it down and found that it came from a clothing brand called 'Paloma Wool'

@lauelibre I found the image on tumblr, but couldn't track down the original source. If anyone knows the source, I'm more than happy to give credit where credit is due!

This mix is incredible. It's an experience. Not too many playlists are crafted so well. Thank you for blessing us with this.
