32 comments on Intravenous Optimism by lamusette

Your lists are just magical! So obsessed with them! But hey, how do you upload more than 2 songs from the same artist? Sometimes I want to put 3 an 8tracks wouldnt let me, its there any special way to do so?? (:

@fer.yareli Thank you! As for adding more than 2 tracks, I made this mix back when 8tracks actually allowed 3 tracks per artist. Since they changed the rules, I've basically just stuck with 2 tracks per artist - they've gotten really good at detecting when you change the artist's name! Sorry I can't be of more help!

I love your mixes, they are perfect for motivation, inspiration, comfort and relaxing. How I would love to have them on CD/my iPod to listen to all the time!! Thank you!!
