Fellow listeners,

My name is Lee Nottingham. I was a drummer for a long time, playing gigs with various original bands around Sydney, Australia in the mid/late 1990's. There came a point however where the gigging, and drumming started taking its toll on my ears. I sold my kit (with sadness, still love the drums) and decided to go travelling. I took along with me a guitar, an instrument that I was ok at, not brilliant but there was potential. After travelling around in South East Asia for a few months I decided to settle for a bit in Thailand, a country that I fell in love with.....so much so that I am still here 14 years later!!!!

That guitar that I lugged around with me is gone now but I some of the ideas I came up with on it eventually made there way into songs. In 2010 i went back to Australia to finish off my Bachelors Degree. During that time I recorded 10 songs in a little sleepy town called Bathurst in NSW. The town is famous for one thing....car racing!

The songs I recorded on the album 'The Long Goodbye' are available on Soundcloud here:


Its available on iTunes here:


I also made a pretty basic video to put on Youtube to help promote what is, perhaps the strongest track 'Washed Out Sunday'. You can see that here:


This is my first album. Looking back on it now (4 years later) I still love some of the songs, others I kind of cringe at a little. Still, my songwriting has improved since then and I am going to record a few mores tracks in a few months time. I am still a firm believer that the 'pop' in 'music' isn't a dirty word. Whenever I write a song I try to think "could a person get that melody stuck in their heads and whistle it on the way to the train station"? If the answer is 'yes' then I feel its worth pursuing.

I hope you like at least some of the song here. Living here, in a province of Thailand I can feel a little disconnected. However, with the internet and sites like these I can test the waters to see if people like what I do. Anyway, have a listen....


Lee Nottingham

TOP TAGS chill, electronic, summer, psychedelic, indie

Member since Sep 2015
