13 comments on Festival Genialer Dilletanten - Die große Untergangsshow by leiwandesk

Many thanks for commenting @aunt13! Your enthusiasm about this one makes me a bit blush - but I appreciate it... ;-) For more details about this stuff and/or translation you can contact me via last.fm if you like - or I'll try to translate some lyrics here (if I find the time). Anyway, most lyrics here are kinda surrealistic and/or just nonsense. What a surprise, isn't it?

i'm back...!! LOVE this mix!! unfortunately for me, i've only studied dutch and spanish in school and am lost on german, which seems to be the theme here... :(

wow, i have a lot of catching up to do. you have all these new mixes i wanna listen to...!!! loving this and your sailor's journey III

first twelve were goood! I took 3 or 4 german classes but that was a few years ago now it is wearing off but can understand a little still.
