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Mr. Rhythym meets Mrs. Melody - Trümmer-Swing in Germany (ca. 1947-1952)


3,25 x gr8rax of Trümmerswing including music by Bully Buhlan, Werner Deinert, and Ilja Glusgal.

German pop music probably never sounded more American than in the years right after WWII thanks to U.S. military forces who helped keeping this genre popular among the ruins of post-war Germany - before schmaltzy "Heimat music" took over in the mid-50s killing most of swing music & timid attempts of playing r'n'r there.
More info: http://bit.ly/nhpW29
Pt. 2 of http://bit.ly/qC8DCs

26 tracks
6 comments on Mr. Rhythym meets Mrs. Melody - Trümmer-Swing in Germany (ca. 1947-1952)
