14 comments on Experimental folk for an Appalachian frame of mind by lenamarie

so beautiful. i lived in the blue ridge moutains for 5 years until i had to move back to the city for my job and this mix feels like home. <3

Glad you all enjoyed. Putting this mix together I was engulfed in my never-ending fantasy of starting up a sustainable farm somewhere along Central Coast, California...growing delicious delectables, bon firing and strumming the guitar...everyone's invited.

creepily listening to this mix again... is it bad that i haven't made a mix on here yet because I keep listening to your shit?

woke up to this with pipe in hand my friend. it's going to be a good day. i love the first track, andrew bird and of course, patsy fucking cline!!!

Makes me want to go back to Pennsylvania and spit some chew and strum on that banjo - wait, I never did that when I lived there. Whatever, I'll pretend.
