26 comments on breathe. by lilly__

Thank you so much, i have only have been dealing with panic attacks and anxiety recently and its hard. Today i had one and everyone was laughing in class i was never so embarresed

I love this mix. I've had panic attacks and anxiety for 4 years now and the only thing that calms me down is music. So thank you for making this mix, it's nice to know someone else understands. I'm sorry that you deal with panic attacks and anxiety, I know how terrible it is. :)

I usually never comment on stuff.. but I just couldn't pass on this one... I know it's a bit old but yet, it's AMAZING. I don't really have panic attacks so I can't tell how it feels like but I get quite anxious sometimes.. and hearing this playlist just made me forget all the stress and think about how small we all are:) I hope you'll see this btw.. Stay strong!

Don't be afraid. Life is full of surprises we will never see coming. And I think you're also just waiting for something. Something that will change your life. But I ask you, maybe it's already here? Maybe it's already happened? So, just keep being yourself. Keep living and never look back. Life is never easy. But I know you got this. Just breathe. Cause I know you're the miracle we've all been waiting for.

who inventefd u
i. i dont know what to say
this made me so happy, thank you so much for this
youre the best person ever
i really want to talk to u now :( i hope u see this comment

You say you take cold showers to cool your heart? Well, I think your heart is expressing you. It's your mirror. And it's hot because it's burning with passion, a hot flame. And I think you're just really excited about something, something that you just need to let go and let it fly. Let it be itself. Also, I think you're really cute.

hi guys, i wanted to tell u that ive had another panic attack tonight, it lasted for about 2 hours and i was so scared.. i couldnt breathe, i was going in circles and i was soffucating... but i got through it. u know why? because im strong just like you, and nothing is worth these attacks beautiful, nothing is worth this. i was telling that to myself, and went to take a cold shower to cool my heart. then i went to lay down on my bed and listened to these songs, and i just focused on my breathing. this is what u should remember everytime u get an attack, i really want u to remember that. i learned some of these things from special people in my life and i cant be more thankful. just know that i love you so much and please focus on what i said. you can do this<3

God puts us in rough waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us and I believe you've been through this to get stronger and for you, I think he did it to show other people hope! I love you! Keep on giving inspiration and never give up. I agree exactly on what you said. Today's events may not be shown until tomorrow!! :) You also made my day!
