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LOOSE L!PS M!X: CREM de la Lolla

2 comments on LOOSE L!PS M!X: CREM de la Lolla

Hi beautiful, loved the mix. HOWEVER! me and my friend Treegy came to the conclusion that your playlist, and we say this with much hesitation because you're so awesome, is a poor representation of Lollapalooza this year. Your playlist, as much as we enjoyed it, is a little biased in terms of the electronic music. Given the festival to which this playlist pays homage, we were expecting a much more eclectic feel, with more rock acts and such. Still think you're really cute and hot though.

haha thanks champ. i know it doesn't reflect the festival as a whole, that wasn't the intention. you can read about the intention here: http://bit.ly/nFrDDB

and we are mostly an electronic blog... ;)
