In the early twenty-first century, after the final alignment of planets, being reborn into new deformed bodies, two twin brothers from different fathers, but with a mother in common ... music!

Boom Bazooka and Ruzza join forces and musical knowledge into a monster called “Los Machetes del Soul”. In the words of the Machetes themselves: “we arise from the need to slap the bad taste in music from the actual scene of our city ...Maracaibo, in wich diabolical rythms encourage to sacrifice young virgins on top of a volcano, or riding our zombies unicorns, galloping across the galaxy over double rainbows feeling the marshmellow breeze in our faces.

With the force of old rhythms of other cultures, Boom Bazooka and Ruzza display in their live presentations an extense journey through their repertoire based on Funk, Soul, Afro Beat, Latin Jazz, Hip Hop and what we call to our latin flava “Guaracha” wich our picks are of the most intense and heavy beats

"Los Machetes del Soul" will be presented with the sole intention to make move your skeletons for a night of gozadera NEW TRACKS
