luciel choi
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by a fate that won't let us be together


1. it's all your fault - 3,2,1
hey mr. sunday - wait please care about me

2. holding such pain in my chest,
i smiled each day, not saying a word about it
and told myself to forget

3. in a regret i drown and can't wake up,
morning is here
never be this way i swear from underneath the heart

4. oh how heartless ...
this world is full of sorrow
but even that is fine,

5. falling rose ... falling rose ...
oh god, save me .. give me a beam of light

6. even though the frozen sighs were calling your name
they closely missed the lights of sirius in the frozen sky

7. i looked up at the sky which swallowed any and every thing, and sneezed

8. look at me ... no, don't look ...
my heart is crying out as my memories are torn apart

8 tracks
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