3940 comments on Songs to lie on your bed and stare at the ceiling to by lytebryte25

I am glad that my all-time favorite 8tracks playlist have reached Diamond! *claps* *hugs* I've been listening to this since 2013!

This is in the top 10 mixes on 8 tracks and I think even number 1. And yet there's only 8 songs :( add more please! It's so great!!

I had no knowledge of 8tracks until one enlightening day in 2010. I walked into my college friend's room, he was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I immediately registered.

I found this playlist like 3 years ago, and honestly I had lost track of it. I'm so happy I found it again. I love it <3

@MissMaeIStay actually this just happened to me using stumble upon .. Crazy deja vu seeing the image on this playlist then the songs just brought me back.
