210 comments on get up, its time to revise by m4rwa

Great playlist!! Definitely liked.. Though i thought its more of a "after exams" mood rather than "before exams" because it resulted with me throwing a dance party on my own.. Anyway good luck to all of us with our exams

@Jodie_alsasi s'pose we all need a dancing session during revision but i get wht u mean i cant revise to this either and i made it lolz

This playlist helped me with my work that involves a lot of usage of the computer! Kept me in a good mood throughout! Thank you for such a wonderful playlist.

I've listened to this playlist SO MANY times and it's so lovely and it makes me so happy. You are an incredible person, with incredible music fast. Thank you for being on this earth!

@100001133920325 damn i was gnna correct the taste but then u did thank god bc i didnt want to come across rude lolz anyway thank u thats a very nice thing to say and good 4 u well done for being productive have a gd day

@That Guy Wade thanks thts a nice thing 2 say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love love love this playlist. Helped me get through all my papers. Even got me to do work for next week. That means that this mix actually made me stop procrastinating! That is nothing short of a miracle. Thanks for making this mix!

i got more done listening to this than i have all night, great music to keep up the mood but not too distracting from work! (also, the annotations are amazing) thanks <3
