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Housecat Karaoke


Thank you everyone who donated for our show last month! We are so fucking pumped to keep making music for you guys, and with your help we were able to recruit a new member to help us with all the technical shit. (Let's all forget about the light incident at Tacoma, okay?) So everyone be nice to our hot new cat, Ramona. Anyways, enjoy this sneak peek at our first OFFICIAL album, "Hana Is A Grandma And Nobody Should Listen To Her Ever So Let's Welcome Juli As Our New Lord And Savior". We'll have it out on CDs soon, so prepare yourselves! Its gonna be pretty cool. Maybe we'll sign some cases and give em out at the next show? ;) - H ★

(Julian i swear to god if you keep editing this description i'm gonna personally come kick your ass)

8 tracks
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