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Operetta's Dance of the Dead


So the other day I found a Monster High activity book for $2 so naturally I bought it and a few others. One had a word unscrambler for a track list Operetta made for a "Dance of the Dead". However, I found it to be kinda meh. I know it's just pop songs that kids should know, but I feel like a "Dance of the Dead" would be much sppokier, to be frank. Honestly, "Chiller" (track 9) and "He Wolf" (track 8) feel like the only fitting choices song wise.

The book's playlist is 10 songs long + 1 song you'd add to the playlist so this will also be 11 songs. Normally I'd go with 13 because Monster High, but I'm following this activity book. It's the "My Monster Life" book if you're curious.

11 tracks