Mayday Cat
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Can't Breath


16 (Male) 5’9” Short messy dark cherry red hair, rosy-pale skin and white eyes. Has on Jeans and a black T-shirt (with “Every day is leg day when your running form your problems” printed on it in bubble letters)
Albuterol is fairly shy. He has a tendency to be a pushover, it's really hard for him to stick up for himself or voice his opinions. He is very sweet and tries really hard to emotionally support people. He continually puts himself after other people (either he is scared it will come off narcissistic or he just cares about other people more) and often will just suffer quietly if he thinks it will keep other people happy. once he gets to know people is gets more bubbly and vocal.
Ability: Can calm people’s anxiety attacks and asthma attacks (If he can touch them)
Human name: Oliver

12 tracks
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