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Sounds from the Transmetropolitan: Book 1


A 20 track tribute to one of the greatest Graphic Novel series ever completed, by Darick Roberston and Warren Ellis. A running soundtrack to read the series to, includes WarsawpacK, Abandoned Toys and Bill Hicks. Find it, read it, LOVE IT!

18 tracks
19 comments on Sounds from the Transmetropolitan: Book 1 (View all)

I'm a big fan of Warren Ellis' Planetary. Sadly I have yet to read Transmetropolitan, but if its even half as good as this mix I'l be in for a treat when I do.

This mix is of particular meaning to me, and will be eventually finished off with the second half of my tribute to this brilliant as fuck series.

I am telling no lie, when I say that the series had a huge effect on me as a writer, artist and general human being.
