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9 comments on luke's playlist (View all)

oh god so funny story: i was just thinking about how luke always tweets great songs so i though 'i'm gonna make a playlist on itube with songs luke has tweeted about' and then i realized i only had like 4 songs so i though well maybe i can find a playlist on 8tracks with those songs so i typed in the explore thing 'luke hemmings+tweets' and i found nothing and when i changed tweets into twitter or whatever i still found nothing so i just searched 'luke hemmings' because i figured i could listen to some music while looking up the tweets myself and i click on this mix and i screamed. so now i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this mix and making my life so much easier, i love you, you're amazing, i hope you have a wonderful life because you're a wonderful human being and you deserve it
