Miss Trinidad
Is this playlist safe for work?
2 comments on Wallflower

Hey Gabriella, just wondering what you make of this switchover from SoundCloud — do you plan to try to restore all your playlists once all the SoundCloud tracks are deleted? We enjoy your mixes so much — you should be on their staff! — and I was bummed to hear 8tracks plans to change everything up. I'll be listening as much possible until they do!

@ehensley1 Hey, thanks so much for writing! Am so happy you like the mixes! Most of the songs I try and upload from my library anyway so hopefully there won't be too many missing and of the ones that are, 8tracks seemed committed to finding some sort of alternative. If there aren't too many I'll try and buy the ones I don't have and upload them - it's always a worthwhile investment ;) Hopefully not too many mixes will be affected but either way will start making some news ones again soon!
