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I will always love you - Amy/Eleven Fanmix


After reading a couple of fanfics I felt the need to make a fanmix (if you want to read the one that inspired most of this fanmix go here -rated M be cautious-). It is a ride of emotions as I would like to describe it and it is also very sad. I place this one before Amy and Rory’s wedding. Amy is traveling with the Doctor and they have strong feelings for each other. Amy loves Rory but she can’t deny the attraction she feels for the Doctor.

So basically we go from the temptation of acting on those feelings, giving into the passion and lust, the regret of knowing they are betraying Rory and theirs it’s a forbidden love (he’s an alien she’s a human), the imminent goodbye full with sadness and the pain they both feel after the separation.

14 tracks
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