28 comments on One More Rep by MKhlmnn

Tried to find on iTunes. I definitely wanna download the speeches. How can I get them? I don't mind paying if I have to

Hey bud (: Possibility of you emailing me the track names? (: vicky_mack@hotmail.com please? Knew here and I don't know how to get all the tracks but don't mind converting them :D screen shot works in 5 secs

I like the motivational speeches at the biginníng of this set und I´d like to hear them again. I´m new at 8tracks and somehow I don´t get to play them again until the hole set has been played. Do u have any tip for me? Thanx

Dude I fking love the speeches at the beginning! We all need to listen to more of this kind of conversation. I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning and listen to this, magic way to start the day! If I knew how to mix tracks I would love to mix motivation lyrics into some kicken beats; deep dark, sexy dance tracks, drum bass and dubstep fusion. Jazzhop the whole trip. Nice...Just what I needed to listen to right now. It's motivated me to go to my 2nd yoga class for the day. 40 day challenge. It's on!
