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Devil's Got You Beat


An annotated playlist for the real Percival Graves, and everything he went through when Grindelwald stole his life.

A brief introduction: This is a list of songs that detail my vague thoughts on what might have happened to MACUSA’s Director of Magical Security. Every song has its place, and the annotations are there more to help you follow my thought process than to tell you how to interpret them. Please enjoy, and feel free to comment with your thoughts or other songs! You can find the full playlist with bonus songs here:

28 tracks
5 comments on Devil's Got You Beat

dude. i read your annotations and holy fuck. the work you put into this. im screaming. and crying. excellent job. i shall now retreat and listen to this on repeat.

@chubichups Thank you!! this comment means the world to me I'm glad you're enjoying it as much as I was when I was making it. Someone else needs to cry over Graves with me!

@monocleenterprises i've been listeniing to it on repeat !! the other day i was working and minding my work and listening to it and then i had to stop because the lyrics of a song gave me major Graves feels ? and it got worse with each song lmao, you really killed me. these are all extremely fitting. i shall cry over Graves with u any day of the week honestly.

This is wonderful. The first time I heard it, i didn't read the little bits under the songs, but I'm listening to it again and I read the bits under the songs and it all fits. Like I'm actually crying. It's amazing. I've been freaking out about it and my sister hates me now, but it's worth it cos it's so amazing. Like honestly, I can't express how great this is. You've done a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. :)))
