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You'll dig us, baby, we're the Tops


C'mon in out of the cold, baby, and set your dimmers on the strip's hottest nightspot with booze, blackjack and barn burners to spare! Every other joint is bombsville. Pick up some chips, grab a date and some giggle water at the Aces, hit the casino floor and lose your shirt. Then go upstairs and *really* lose your shirt, wink-wink nudge-nudge ring-a-ding-ding. It'll be a gas!

A mix for the gambling palace on the New Vegas strip that really swings: loud, brassy and splashy big band tunes to pipe onto a casino floor where the order of the day is drinkin' champagne and feelin' no pain.

[Cover credit: Fallout New Vegas Collector's Edition Playing Cards]

26 tracks
8 comments on You'll dig us, baby, we're the Tops

Usually when I look for swing and big band mixes, all I find are electro swing and ten thousand playlists with just Benny Goodman tracks. This mix is a godsend I am in love. Now to slap on some art deco jewelry and find a big spender at the roulette table.

I can only envy your knowledge and culture in this genre, and your talent for fun descriptions :-). Well done again ! Chapeau, as we say in France !
