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Eliza- Lizabean- our dear Scott- You are sweet, you are kind, smart, witty and sarcastic and you keep me in stitches

Lydia- Lyds- our marvelous Lydia- You are so sweet and your charm is undeniable. Don't even get me started on that wit of yours!

Iris- Irish- our thoughtful Liam- You are so kind and generous. Babe, you are truly one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

Abbey- Abbs- our mishcevious Liam- Your sarcasm and smarts are only the beginning with you. You have a heart of gold on top of it.

me- Pam- Pambear- the quirky Stiles- I don't really know what to say about me but... I hope I can be good to you girls, hopefully even as good as you are to me.

With that, here are some songs of our friendship.

10 tracks
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