32 comments on crush your enemies by museodynamics

100% the best playlist to get you through all of your procrastinated first-semester freshmen year college homework. Let me tell you. It's also basically my entire itunes library, so I found myself singing along, and then was REALLY confused when it wasn't able to pause it with my play/pause button.

Did you know that this mix is actually so awesome? I was loving it when I first listened and the first song was Centuries, then it just progressively got better, some of the songs were slower and not pumping me up like the other songs had. But then Explode came on and I started dancing SO much. This mix is awesome, very very very awesome. You should make more.

@aloveconnection ah gosh i know! i thought of a load of really cool songs that i could have put on instead after i published it sigh,,, thank you a lot though!!!
