49 comments on study music - globetrotting by musicachingon

Lovely mix. Also, a more fitting name would be "life music". Listening to these tracks enhances EVERY experience in life.

Thanks for the mix. Cheers.

De Ushuaia A La Quiaca....one of my favorite songs, so beautiful, such a beautiful musical representation of Argentina. Thank you!

Started listening to help with a shitload of assignments, ended up abandoning the work to try and hunt down a lot of these songs and artists. Thanks for the insight!

This has to be the best study mix on here. I am very impressed-- the music is exciting, interesting, and beautiful, without being distracting. Thank you for sharing!

While I didn't end up finishing my paper like I wanted to, this is still a very interesting mix. I've listened to other study mixes, but I really enjoyed this one. Thank you!
