16 comments on The CABARET mix by namorpremier

I haven't heard Money Money from Lisa Minelli for such a long time! I'm getting quite nostalgic listening to it, although I'm not sure why. Great mix overall as well!

Mine is apparently "joie de vivre" but only in an attempt to forget the difficulties of life. If by bookends you mean complementary I agree!

Somebody said my Stephen Foster mix was "a thinking man's mix." I like that. This is a thinking person's mix. Lovely.

Edith Piaf . . . Yum. Time by Bowie . . . so textured. I love that version of Mackie. I almost put Rain Dogs on my mix. All great songs!

Oops . . . This is cactusdoink, btw! Not pretending to speak for the group but, hey, why not. We all LOVE this mix, don't we people. How can we not.

Merci! Oui, il y a beaucoup de parallèles entre les années 20/30 et aujourd'hui. Si tu aimes Money il faut que tu vois la séquence dans le film Cabaret, c'est très drôle.
