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Suburban Queen


From my perch in the window, I watched her walk down the suburban streets at night. Her doe eyes illuminated by the flickering street lights. She had looked disheveled that day, dismantled by the harshness of the world. But come night time, she would laugh to herself with her heels in her hands, twirling under the stars. In another life, she must’ve been a queen.
Tonight, she was haunted and hurried but her eyes seemed to say, “I know you’ve watched me all these years.” She turned for the last time and just as she had appeared all those years ago, she disappeared. She was the most beautiful ghost I'd ever come to know. She was right, I was here just for her. I made sure she was safe along her journey home.
After all, isn’t that what angels are for?

For Adelheide.♡

9 tracks
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