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10 great underrated Belgian artists


In Belgium it's kind of generally said that we don't have a lot to offer in terms of music, so whenever I discover something that isn't very popular but good, I do feel a little proud because really, we do.

9 tracks
1 comment on 10 great underrated Belgian artists

WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S SAID THAT BELGIUM DOESN'T HAVE A LOT TO OFFER IN TERMS OF MUSIC?! I will love it forever for Jacques Brel. And also for Selah Sue, and Wouter Hamel and Plastic Bertrand, and Triggerfinger, and dEUS...and and and Axelle Red, and Jali, and Absynthe Minded
But gods, this mix introduced me to so much more :3

Honestly, the amount of times I've heard that! People just aren't looking hard enough :P
But yay! I'm glad about that :D
