20 comments on Study Instrumentals #7: Concentration with Cellos by NB

this is sooo good, i' ve been playing cello for 10 years now and you picked the best pieces:) can't thank you enough for making this awesomeness. do you play cello too?

@katie19bee Thanks so much!! :) Unfortunately I don't have the fingers for cello, but I do love it m glad you approve of my favs!

I've played the cello for almost my whole life and am naturally very selective when it comes to cello playlists, however this exceeds expectations...and more. The tracks you chose could not be more perfect. Thank you for making a playlist that i can sit through without skipping tracks.

@hamstertangents Oh my gosh, thanks so much for your feedback, I'm beyond flattered! I had a hard time finding playlists featuring the cello, and having done one for the ever popular violin, I thought it'd be only fair to do it for its cousin :) I'm so happy you're enjoying the playlist <3

I've already listened to this playlist many times, and will surely listen to it many times more. Thank you for creating this superb compilation.

this is absolutely wonderful thank u so much:) the sound of a cello is so calming and beautiful great choice of songs ;)

@ipodlarry :D I'm so glad you're enjoying them! The deep and resonating tones of the cello, ugh I just can't even describe what it does for me. Thanks for listening!
