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Anri's Lament


Like many tales in the Dark Souls universe, Anri of Astora's story is one of despair. You can help her fulfil her task in the name of the children she knew, or you can "marry" him to become Lord of Hollows. No matter the path, Anri will end up a mindless hollow.

A playlist inspired by Dark Souls 3.

Featuring music by Jessica Curry, Alex Roe, and Jed Kurzel.

13 tracks
2 comments on Anri's Lament

Great mix! And is that a song from Tales from Earthsea? Awesome! And the overall sad vibe is perfect for Anri and their endings! Amazing job!

@just-blue-skies Yes, the end song is from Tales from Earthsea. That song always makes me super sad, it's just so vulnerable. Glad you like the overall vibe! Thanks :)

your playlists are great!! i've studied to and saved every single of your dark souls playlists tbh they keep me alive while i drag myself through hell. thanks for making them!
