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Early Mid-Life Crisis


Finding old music you used to love is like getting back in touch with an old friend. Going through storage, I have discovered a plethora of mixed tapes and CD's from high school and college. I made this playlist based solely on what I had on tape and disc. I will be adding to this as I find all my old music. I am a Gemini so this is an eclectic list of songs. Apparently, I owned a lot of 90's movie soundtracks. The Darling Buds, 311, Violent Femmes...

83 tracks
1 comment on Early Mid-Life Crisis

Good day.
Qualitative playlist.
Very much.
Yes, at an early age preferences interesting musically.
Often, with age slightly different idea about quality music.
As a rule, the tastes do not change much .... I mean dramatically. Anything can happen, but rarely to man pulled in the opposite direction.
Thank you for your efforts.

@NewBetterLife Thank you so much for listening and for leaving me a note. It is so fun to go back and re-listen to music you grew up with and relive all the good memories that it brings. :)
