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the crunch under your feet as you trek through the piles of dying leaves, it reminds you that soon everything will be coated in a layer of white. The cold air creeps into your jacket, into your scarf, and sends a shiver down your spine. It nips at your red nose, filling your lungs. The trees have lost their healthy green, changing to red, orange, gold, and finally, brown.

10 tracks
3 comments on Leaves

You had me at the cover art, to be honest, but then Eet came on and I just /knew/ because it's such an autumn song for me. I cannot wait for summer to be over, I mean it's already getting "chilly" (or at least much less hot!) and the sun is down by 8pm now but still. Hot cocoa is not the same without the smell of autumn or the first frost.

Oh my gosh! Isn't Eet such the perfect autumn song?! I'm so glad you liked this! Hot tea and coco and coffee isn't right without that chill of autumn or the smell of autumn!
