15 comments on {{even after death}} Alan Rickman (1946-2016) by nikkih450

Oh good grief kill me, the feels the're too much! The playlist started okay with the first song, but then when the second one came on Sleeping At Last - Saturn I just died. As that song has so many feels in it to me now, as I made a Severus video to that song and it killed me so much to make and still kills me when I watch it or hear the song! All the songs that followed after killed more to, especially since I've heard them before and think of him during it. It still hurts to hear them. I'm sure I'll have more songs to edit with now for more HP/Severus/Snily videos. But this is an awesome mix none the less filled with tons of feels!

@nikkih450 I really did and I enjoy listening to this playlist again and again! Thank you so much! If you wish to see the Saturn video of mine that I mentioned then feel free to check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrhMp8KY08Q Keep up the awesome work of creating touching playlists like this one!

This playlist is perfect (and not just for Rickman specifically but in general as well). When I heard the news I really just broke down and cried for the entire day, I've never experienced anything like it with any other celebrity. :S It was a strange feeling but kinda nice; that someone I don't even know made such a huge impact in my life, to the better, that I shed tears when he departed. Thank you for this comforting playlist. :)

@lophius I agree with you. In an odd way, it's comforting that an almost complete stranger had such an impact on our lives. It's weird, but it still feels right to mourn the loss

It's been 10 days without him, and it still feels so unreal. He was part of my childhood, of our childhood. Part of our hearts and even character. It feels strange not having him in the world. This playlist depics this feeling just wonderful. I love the songs, they provide perfect solace. ♥ I can't even describe how much this playlist affects me. Thank you!

@PunchHilda I'm so glad that the songs resonated with you! I too feel as though a sliver of my childhood has been taken away, but at the same time I feel so incredibly blessed to have witnessed this man's unforgettable work.

I was never a big fan of the HP movies. I'd always preferred the books, mainly because I didn't like the way they wrote Ginny and Harry's relationship in the movies. But I always considered Alan Rickman the ultimate actor (or, the only possible one) for Snape. I still can't believe he's not in the world anymore. I'm proud to be a Slytherin. We truly had the best potions professor in all of Hogwart's history.
