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4102 sexim


More of a homage. Some of my favourite tracks from some of my favourite 8tracks DJ's mixes of 2014. Includes @RabidRod, @peppermintn and many others

11 tracks
5 comments on 4102 sexim

So, spamming this to my brain all day at work one after the other with 90 Nein Problems. Can't get enough of these. I'd say keep it coming but I am already fully content, can you really top these?

@nirvanastephen Oh yeah, took like 3 work shifts to get through that one LOL. I would give it about a 8.5/10. Frankly for ME that is low for your mixes. What I mean is that they tend to all be amazing. But can you really think that your fav 100 songs would happen to be my fav 100? So I think saying that 85 of them are amaze-balls is not a bad rating IMO. There are just a few that did not make my cut it all, not a bad mix at all, it will be appropriately abused, believe me ;-)

Surprised and humbled by the lovely homage!

Hi @RabidRod, you're very welcome thanks for all your fantastic mixes, always a pleasure to listen to them. A belated Happy New Year, hope you had a great time in India!!!

Hello nirvanastephen, I just started following you and this is my third playlist from you and let me tell you that I really love the way you create mixes, you have THAT fucking vibe, for some reason I can´t seem to get enough of your mixes. Thanks for sharing, hope to hear more mixes from you.

Hi @VeNoMmx thanks for the lovely comment, I am really happy to hear you like my mixes, I am away on holiday at the moment but there should be plenty more coming in the new year. Have a great one!!!
