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20 * SUMMER * 16


Camping at the beach with friends, and the painful but productive drive back with him confirming his denial of any future together despite being together for 4 years already. Ongoing feeling of jealousy and neglect. Not even invited as the date to the wedding until the bride directly made sure I was coming. It was all too much (too little?) for me so I stopped talking to him and focused on whatever I needed to do. I made weekend trips out of town, found a roommate, got my hair did, bonded with old friends, went on Tinder dates, enjoyed work, went to shows. I felt hot and I enjoyed all the fun that came with the sunny weather. Fuck men. Fuck shitty boyfriends. My friend got in a scary situation with hers. And I quit mine. Fuck everyone, fuck you, fuck.
AlunaGeorge, Sondre Lerche, tUnE-yArDs

18 tracks
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