16 comments on the space between spaces by octopigonal

@flower fairy I originally made this playlist because I had a really bad anxiety attack once and I couldn't find a playlist that had the right music to calm me down. So I'm really glad it helps you :)

this mix is EVERYTHING. press play and get to work with a clear mind. pleaseeee make more! the bigger the better :)

Wow an encore! Thank you thank you! :D I'll do my best! I've started gathering some new music and I hope everyone will like it when it all comes together!

amazing playlist !! also id you didnt know the cover art is fan art for an anime called durarara !! i highly recommend!!

@electraniall Thank you! And yes I did! I love Celty :) I'll add a link to where I found the image in the description as I should have done originally.
