10 comments on feeling (super super super!) suicidal by oddessyus

I feel like such an idiot listening to these songs all the Time but I guess I do it because it's interesting to hear the stories in the lyrics and relating to them and @Punkrockghostie when I read your comment it made me cry and I hope you are getting better just like everybody else that goes through this hell

This playlist is heaven ... Just like you. You're broken and you're probably feeling like drowning or maybe you already sank a long time ago. And I know how every second is a battle and you're just ghostly wandering around, trying not to burst into tears. I know how it is. But I don't know what or who cause it. For me, it was my family. At some point, I called my friend while I was choking on my tears and finally managed to tell her I was cutting and that almost nothing was stoping me from killing myself. She tried her best to calm me down and she told me that sometimes, bad people aren't the cute guy with horns and a devil tail. Sometimes, it's your own family, the ones with the sweet smiles. But I learned to get stronger, most of the help coming from my boyfriend. I could never thank him enough. I was so stupid and awkward, and yet he just stayed with me and showed me the best of me. That's when I was at my happiest. But then, my family just changed me from school, saying it was a bad influence for me. I was so sad that night that I cut myself until my tights were burning and my sheets were soaking red. And I'm still on the edge of falling and breaking again.... But I know it's hard like hell to be told by everyone that you're wasting days with that "attitude", when for you it's a battle. But I believe in you. And I swear, we'll go thru this together. All the way. I promise.

@Punkrockghostie hope you both are hanging in there. great mix, and yeah, life is friggin hard. we'll all get through this together, strength in numbers, guys! <3
