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Cool weird stuff from the french 60s underground : 13 crazy, bizarre, funny, stupid, fucked up, surrealistic, anarchic and strangely poetic songs in the forgotten "anti-yé yé" tradition (which actually never existed).
Including Jean-Bernard De Libreville, Evariste and Les Homards Violets, among other eccentric people.

13 tracks
10 comments on Hurlus + berlus (View all)

excellent mix! y a-t-il d'autres compil françaises dans le genre des compil Wizz? Je ne connais que le garage et psych québécois!

J'ai pioché dans les compils "O toi, beatnik...", "Freakout total 3", et les séries "Got the go" et "Ils sont fous ces gaulois". Il doit y en avoir d'autres, mais c'est pas forcément facile à trouver ce genre de trucs!

Au fait (et si c'est pas indiscret), serais-tu la Sweetmélo de "Vente de garage"? Je l'ai un peu perdu de vue ce blog, mais je vais m'y replonger.

J'étais surtout investie dans le podcast, qu'on ne fait plus, Felix mon copain qui s'occupe du blog. Nous sommes DJ à l'occasion.

Do you know what relation "Psyche Rock" has to the Mikis Theodorakis track "Cafe Rock" from the film "Z"? I always thought Cafe Rock was the Futurama theme, but maybe Theodorakis was ripping this off.

The two tracks are clearly similar. All I know is... "Psyché rock" came first! It was composed by Pierre Henry and Michel Colombier in 1967, and it was ripped of a lot. But after all, "Psyché rock" was itself a variation on “Louie Louie” ;)

Great!! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Do you understand french btw? Most of these songs are even weirder when you understand the lyrics.

yeeeah, this mix actually highlighted how bad my French skills are... i can understand a bit more when reading... I'll have to work on it and come back here for a more complete listening experience :)
