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Lessons for your 20's

1 comment on Lessons for your 20's

1. Don’t waste your youth
2. Take advantage of every opportunity but beware anything with permanent consequences
3. Pursue happiness with diligence
4. Tell the people you love that you love them
5. Know when to let things go
6. Forget the boys who hurt you
7. Love like you’ve never been hurt
8. Be there for your friends
9. But they’re not friends if they’re not there for you
10. Live it up, drink it down; when you’re old falling down hurts more
11. Learn to cook
12. Be your own person
13. Don’t worry about being original, it will come naturally
14. Always wear clean underwear
15. Whatever it is, it’s not the end of the world.. unless zombies are involved
16. Take responsibility for your own life
17. Don’t follow your dreams, exceed them
18. Learn the hard way
19. You’re stronger than you know
20. You will get through this
