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The Late Night Bus Ride


Limbo. That's what public transport is. Moving away from where you came from, moving towards where your going. On the bus or the metro, you are powerless. You have no control over what is happening, where you are going and this fact puts the mind at ease. It allows one to think of the abstract and the more focussed while removing them from the rigours of what is going on outside those windows. Those very buses and subway cars we dread, rue, hate are equally magical and thought-provoking.

9 tracks
3 comments on The Late Night Bus Ride

This is totally irrelavant but just want to say your description of bus rides is really thought provoking C: and I love late night bus rides!

I totally agree, to be honest and with no offence, the song lists are not my favorite, but the description of bus rides he/she made is awesome
