Is this playlist safe for work?

Sorry Kiddos


Changes to policies with Sound Cloud made my ability to make hip-hop playlists stunted, to say the least. If you still dig the songs i share with u cool guys and gals that dig instrumental hip-hop, i may try to find another website to post to. Please post suggestions in the comments. This isn't my 8tracks suicide letter or anything, but a lot of the content did come from SC, and I apologize that the old playlists won't be quite up to snuff anymore. The tracks don't appear in the new library because the amazing people that make most of this music, make it at home. It's all obscure stuff that I try to bring to u guys, to help credit these people who work jobs and make music on the side most of the time. If you look under the rock these people are hiding beneath, you will find cool stuff.

15 tracks
4 comments on Sorry Kiddos

Hey man I was wondering what your name on SoundCloud was, and if you had any great playlists on there! This is good shit! Also S/O to Calgary, glad to know there are still people with great music taste in this city of ours.

I hear ya on the SC stuff - it's so useful to have those favorite tracks available on the mix create page. Hopefully we'll be able to bring back a modified version of that partnership once things settle down for them a bit. In the meantime, just wanted to say thanks for sharing such an excellent collection of under-the-radar tracks. It's not an easy thing, and I really appreciate it.
