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I Would Say I'm Okay, But I'm Done Lying


R: "Well, what do you expect? He's all logic, no skill!"
M: "Well, coming from the guy who's all instinct, no restraint!"
L: "What do you know about anything? You're all heart, and no brains!"
D: "How could you? You may know a lot about strategy, but you know nothing about feelings!"

As a superhero, you've got to be strong to survive. But that's easier said than done when you're a teenager, struggling to find out how and where you fit in. Although they hide it well, the turtles are no less insecure about who they are and want to be. These are the songs for the times when they need to go for a solitary walk above the city, tinker with new proto-types, gorge on pizza or train relentlessly...and just cry.

Includes artists like Imagine Dragons, twenty one pilots and Bastille. Enjoy!

12 tracks
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