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- A queerplatonic relationship (n.) is a relationship that is not romantic but involves a close emotional connection (platonic) beyond what most people consider friendship.

for kitten - the moon of my life and my one and only!

9 tracks
1 comment on ♡ d a r l i n g ♡

I love you I love you I love you IloveyouIloveyou this made me tear up every 5 seconds and I was trying so hard not to just burst into tears during the last song "I'll take care of you" I KNOW YOU'LL DO LOVE AAH YOU MAKE ME SO FUCKING HAPPY HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE

@mangoshake baby!!!!!! i wish i was there to hold you n wipe away the tears i love you so much and you know i'll always take care of you <3 you make me feel like the happiest luckiest meme alive and im so glad i get to share my life with you!!!!
