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For God So Loved the World....

a bunch of oldie love songs to dance around to once you've saved the world with your darling!

12 tracks
5 comments on Walk On By

This was prob the last thing I was expecting but with each new song I'm like "yes. yes this is dorian. Perfect." I love this, and it's late so I don't know how to word this but the basic sentiment is "I admire your creativity for this unique and wonderful playlist that has given new dimensions to a character that I adore"

So I had no idea this is what I was in the mood for this morning, but apparently it is. :P I am totally digging this. Love the concept, and s really nice music selection. :)

@TheFontBandit thank you so much!!! i'm so glad you liked this one, i'm pretty fond of it myself. one my favorite late night listens (because pretending like i don't listen to my own playlists? ridiculous.) thanks again!
